"Your tennis club rejuvenates into the future"

1985, Becker becomes the youngest player to win Wimbledon. Steffi Graf won all four Grand Slam titles in 1988 and, with 377 weeks at the top of the tennis world rankings, is the undisputed number 1 in women's tennis. At this point, Germany is in tennis fever and tennis is more popular than ever. Long waiting times until a place for a match with friends or work colleagues becomes available, the number of club members is increasing more and more and a lively tennis facility at the weekend as a link for family sports and a cozy get-together with loved ones.

The golden days of Becker, Graf and co. are unfortunately the exception in tennis Germany these days. Today's reality is a steadily declining number of club members, no young talent and tennis facilities that seem to have died out.
With the HEAD tennis academy Power The Ball you have a partner who offers you a solution to this problem.

· Generation and promotion of young talent

· Reduction in the average age in the clubs

· Tennis as a family sport

These points are important core elements to rebuild a tennis club sustainably and successfully.

Power The Ball will work with you to develop an individual concept so that future discussions about the dissolution of the club or individual court closures are no longer an issue and "your tennis club is rejuvenated for the future".

You are welcome to contact us for a personal conversation:

Mathias Messmer
Telephone: 00491789314277
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