Registration for our children's sports camps at Lake Constance

We are pleased that you would like to register your child for one of our camps! Please note the following steps:

  1. Please note the agreements listed below. We ask you to open the agreement that applies to you with a mouse click and read it carefully.
  2. We then ask you to fill out the registration form in full.
  3. "Employee/personnel number & department" only has to be filled out if you are registering via a company. For private registrations please enter "-".
  4. Please note that you will receive another email from PowerTheBall about 1 week before the start of the camp, with all information about the procedure, etc.

Private Registration Agreement Agreement Bosch Agreement with the district office of Lake Constance Agreement Rolls Royce agreement cousin Agreement Wagner Agreement Zeppelin Agreement ZF

Proceed to the registration form

Camp registration PtB

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Tennnisakademie PowerTheBall Bodensee